martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

country I would like to visit

One of my dreams is to travel around the World and one of the countries that I would love to meet is Greece for several reasons: its history, its culture, mysticism and I would love to meet every one of the important and beautiful places I've only seen in books and television documentaries, such as the ancient sacred temples, the Parthenon and Erechtheion. The architecture of their constructions is really beautiful and know it would be fantastic!
I do not know much about Greece and the things that I know of this country is because I've read in some magazines and I've seen in some TV documentaries, but the magic that surrounds this country is common knowledge.
If I've the opportunity to be in Greece, I would travel to every tourist places taking photos and collecting postcards.
Greece is a very nice country, but I think that I not would study there, because I think it would cost me to adapt to this culture so different and also i would cost learn the language. However, as a tourist destination, is totally recommended.
I hope someday to know Greece and many other countries worldwide

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