martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

The year 2010 should have been the best year in the country! But what happened?
In the year of the bicentennial of our country, many things happened that interfered with celebrations planned.

However, not all that happened was bad and ended with a bad outcome and the development of this essay you can realize why I say this.

Across the country, in all television channels, on radio and in newspapers, talked about the celebrations and activities that would not leave indifferent to any Chilean to Chile’s birthday.
To begin to discuss what happened during the bicentennial, it is impossible not to allude to the great earthquake and tsunami disaster on 27 February that affected the south-central Chile. Many areas of the country were devastated, lives were lost and terror gripped the population. It was a hard blow for our country, but I think that to living with the memory of this bad experience, just need to take time. Many people talk about the work of Rebuilding has been slow, HOWEVER I think it is a hard task and requires time to be done correctly. Obviously the quake remain in the collective unconscious as the fact that under the bicentennial year.

Another event that marked the bicentennial year was the mining accident.  33 miners were trapped 700 meters deep in San Jose’s mine for many days, however this incident is remembered in a positive way by the outcome it did. All the miners were rescued!!
Another event worthy of comment and according to my opinion, was a very positive event and a lot of union people of our country, was the participation of the National Team in the World Cup in South Africa. All Chileans were outstanding players and matches! Wins are lived as real parties in every street and around the country. I think this milestone marks a before and after the sporting history of our country and how people perceive the Chilean sport.
Government change is another important milestone to comment, because although every four years the country's leadership changes this year took a right government, after 20 years by Government of the Concertation. Consider it important to discuss the change of government because it changes the shape and the proposals which runs the country.

As you can see, the Bicentennial year was marked by many important events that will be remembered throughout history for our country. But just as some celebrations were held to commemorate 200 years of independence of our country, celebrations did not stop to remember what happened during the year.

I think this alo was not good, but what matters above all is to try to pick up the pace again and highlight the positive things that accompanied the course of the Bicentennial year.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

My Home

My family seems a gypsy family! Well, seemed a gypsy family because before I was born they (my mother, mi father and my brother) lived in many different places. They lived in Conchalí, Buin, Valdivia de Paine, La Florida and finally were living in San Bernardo. I was born in this commune; however I’ve lived in three different places, in three different houses. My home last change was the August 8, 2008 and I am very comfortable in my new home. My current house is bigger than the previous one and is located in a safer and quiet area of San Bernardo, is closer to the center and we have a mall very near. Im my house live my father, mi mother, mi brother, me and my pet; the house have four beds, one kitchen, one bath room, living room, dining room and patio.
My neighbors are great people, they reeceived very well when we come to lives in this place and we have not had any problems with them.
I love my room because it is much more spacious than I had in my previous house and decorate it according to my tastes. I have privacy in my room and all the things I like and need are there! Jajaja.
I love being at home for various reasons, is a nice place, is very bright, orderly and most importantly is the family atmosphere that we live in it, is a real home!
I do not like to change anything in my house and I do not want to switch back because I’ve lived in several places and this has been the more I liked. I already had the experience of living in an apartment and I would like to re-lived in another, I absolutely prefer houses.
I love my home!

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

The Environment

The environment is very important in the actually and is one of the important topics to world level. Many of country in association with organizations nationals and internationals have signed treaties with the aim of protecting and conserving the environment. I think that the environment is very important, but I don't make many thinks for contribute to the protection of this. I think the protection of environment is important because in it, we can find the resources for the survival of own specie and the survival of other species, flora and fauna.

The environment has become extremely important topic and the people have become aware of the importance of taking care habits to the environment, although still much to do. The most of this care habits are widespread by environment organizations, Medias or by advertising campaigns made by some companies.

Well, I. I try to work with the care of the environment in some occasions, for example, I use my bike for transportation, do not throw garbage on the street and try to reuse most of the things that no longer serve me for something specific.

Last semester, in the course of community psychology, I had to visit a nongovernmental organization called "EL Canelo de Nos". This is an organization whose main objective is the care and preservation of the environment. They make instruments such as solar ovens work the land with gardens. Also teach children from different schools and workers in the area to use this technology.
 I think our country should be more organizations like "El Canelo de Nos" and for this requires that the Government take care for assisting with funding for the operation of such organizations.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

The Cinema

I love the seventh art and there are many movies that I like. My brother loves the movie and when I was a little girl, we saw films together. I love go to the cinema and always go with my friends. However I also rent films for see it in my house with my family. The kinds of film that I most like are the films of the decade 80 as Flash dance, Ghost, Dirty dance, Footloose.
However, one of my favourites films is Men on Fire. This movie is released in the 2004 and addresses the topic of kidnapping. Denzel Washington (John Creasy), Hannah Dakota Fanning (Lupita) and Marc Anthony (Lupita's father) are the main actors.

The film is developed in the city of Mexico, a city that has seen whips by a large number of kidnappings. For this situation, the Ramos family decides to hire a bodyguard for his daughter, Lupita. So appears on the scene, John Creasy, who takes the job of Lupita's bodyguard. Arises a beautiful friendship between Lupita and Creasy. Lupita help to Creasy to overcome various conflicts of his past.

The conflict of the film arises when Lupita is kidnapped. Crasy promises to avenge the kidnapping of Lupita and after a while Creasy find out Lupita's father is involved in the kidnapping of his daughter and... Well, I will not tell the end of the movie because I hope to be seen.
I’ve seen this film many times because I love this movie for its plot and the way in which the actors play their roles. The topic of kidnapping is very well illustrated and the outcome of the movie is spectacular, so I invite you to see it! Is a spectacular film!

Man on Fire!

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


I always I've lived in Santiago, particularly in San Bernardo commune and the true is that I know a little more about touristic places in my commune, but I have some favorite places in Santiago that I will describe in this opportunity. I think a tourist in Santiago city must know the San Francisco church located on the side of Alameda and also must know the San Francisco museum located on said of this church with the same name. These two places are really beautiful and have a history that really the tourist must know. Other place that a tourist must know is the Paris- London neighborhood located near of San Francisco church. This neighborhood is conformed for two streets: Paris and London and in this street there many houses of colonial style, is a nice place! Other important tourist place is the government palace, La Moneda is a public place and of transit free. Is a historic place and could be a interesting place to know and know more about Chile history.

Finally I will speak about one activity that taking place in San Bernardo, The national and international festival of folklore. This activity is realized in February for one week. There is a big stage with many artist and groups, nationals and internationals, with different shows, are very funny and very beautiful. I think that a tourist must go to this activity because of this form, he could know more about Chilean traditions. 
Well, I think these activities are some important activities for a tourist in Santiago.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


Hi everyone!
In this ocation I will tell you about the kind of music that I like.  
My musical preferences are diferent to young people of this time because I like the music of the 80's and 90's. I love this kind of the music and when I listen to it, it makes me feel  free!  I would like bakc the time for to have lived at that time and to have enjoyed this music "in situ" jaja
I love Classic rock, latin rock and the caracteristic music electronic of the year 90. Some bands that I like are Depeche Mode, Erassure, Roxette, The Comunards, Toto, Dj Bobo, La Bouche, Corona, and latin groups as Soda Stereo, Los enanitos verdes, Los fabulosos Cadilacs and many more. However, my favourite band is Depeche Mode. I like the music of de 80's and 90's. My favourite band is Depeche Mode.
They are a british band and the kind of music they play is electronic. Depeche Mode was founded in 1980 by Vince Clarke and Andrew Fletcher and some time after joined to the band Martin Gore and David Gahan but for some problems Vince left the band
Depeche Mode have 12 albums and I’ve bought many of their  CDs and my favourite is "Violator" and my favourite song is The Policy of Truth. The band have a long history and are very known around the world. I like Depeche Mode because I think their music is fantastic, the letters of the songs are very interesting. My brother is a Depeche's fans and I think he is to blame of my obsession for this band and for my musical preferences in general.
If you do not know about this kind of music, you should listen some bands and immediately you'll be a fan!

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

country I would like to visit

One of my dreams is to travel around the World and one of the countries that I would love to meet is Greece for several reasons: its history, its culture, mysticism and I would love to meet every one of the important and beautiful places I've only seen in books and television documentaries, such as the ancient sacred temples, the Parthenon and Erechtheion. The architecture of their constructions is really beautiful and know it would be fantastic!
I do not know much about Greece and the things that I know of this country is because I've read in some magazines and I've seen in some TV documentaries, but the magic that surrounds this country is common knowledge.
If I've the opportunity to be in Greece, I would travel to every tourist places taking photos and collecting postcards.
Greece is a very nice country, but I think that I not would study there, because I think it would cost me to adapt to this culture so different and also i would cost learn the language. However, as a tourist destination, is totally recommended.
I hope someday to know Greece and many other countries worldwide

First Term: Good and bad points.‏

Hello everyone!

During the first term of this year, in my carrer I had courses of diferents psychology’s areas as legal psychology, educational psychology, laboral psychology, comunitary psychology and clinical psychology. In each course I learned things very importants about the development of this areas in the theoric plane and the laboral plane. Of all that I've seen, the area of psychology that most i like is legal psychology and the next term I will continue taking courses about this area.
During this term I met very important people in the area of legal psychology as Elias Escaff. He has worked for over 30 years in matters relating to social research, legal psychology and victimology.Professionally, he worked from 1971 to 2003 in the investigative Police of Chile, where he crated the first victimology center of the country, the Center for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault (CAVAS), In that role, he selected and formed interdisciplinary teams responsible for the comprehensive care of victims and designs intervention strategies for the treatment of those affected by sexual crimes.
The challenge most difficult the first semester was the large number of texts that I had that read for each subject. Some text more difficult than others, but always ended up reading everything.
When i had free time and i not had that read a text by some test, I practiced volleyball with my friends in a park  that is near of my house  and some times I went to visit my family in Buin.

Well, see you next class!... 